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Everything posted by mystrymaster

  1. I have a real time chart and it does not plot that first point until the refresh rate time has gone buy, Is there a way to get it to plot it's first point on load?
  2. Why does this generate no data loaded

    [chart caption="Rounding Average"> [catagories> [catagory label="Sheshan" /> [/catagories> [dataset seriesName="John Doe"> [set value="72" /> [/dataset> [dataset seriesName="The Field"> [set value="0" /> [/dataset> [/chart> The front tags have been changed to the [ in order to get it to show
  3. No data to display

    <chart caption='Week 1 Stats' palette='2' showValues='0' legendPosition='BOTTOM'> <catagories> <catagory label='Kills' /> <catagory label='Assists' /> </catagories> <dataset seriesName='RYGER'> <set value='33' /> <set value='40' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='SG Jamo'> <set value='69' /> <set value='31' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='snakEys'> <set value='103' /> <set value='24' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Wicked Catfish'> <set value='73' /> <set value='31' /> </dataset> </chart> I am completely lost here, I can copy and paste code that works in other charts so I am calling the xml correctly - there is data here.
  4. No data to display

    catagory != category Spelling correctly FTW!!!