I would like to change the message 'No data to display'. How can I do this with the jQuery Plugin?
In the code below I tried to add the ChartNoDatText attribute to the options object, but this did not work.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var chartDataXml17 = "<graph showNames='1' showPercentageValues='1' showPercentageInLabel='1' bgColor='f8f5ee' bgAlpha='0'><chart bgAlpha='0,0'></chart></graph>" ;
var options17 = {
swfPath: '/charts/',
type: 'Pie2D',
width: '500',
wMode: 'transparent',
ChartNoDataText: 'Please vote',
className: 'ChartBorder',
data: chartDataXml17,
dataFormat: 'XMLData'