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Everything posted by PaulE

  1. Hi, I've just started using Fusion Charts but I'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to use it to print some data from a Lotus Domino server using a java agent to generate the XML. My agent generates the following code. <graph caption='Database Usage For Phone Book' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Usage'> <set label='February' value='878' /> <set label='March' value='279' /> </graph> Is there something wrong with this? While I realise you don't have much domino experience I also get *really* weird results when trying to generate the XML with a lotusscript agent. In that case strings passed into the XML from variables seem to corrupt when read in by the flash file. The following line of lotus script: Print {<chart caption='Database Usage For } + sDatabase + {' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Usage'>} produces XML that IE and FireFox are happy with but rather than getting the name of my database in FusionCharts I get a number ( generally 31 but sometimes 30 or 32 ) embedded in the middle of the string. I am just at a loss to explain this. Hope someone can help ....
  2. No Data To Display --- but there is!

    I've found out what the problem is and itis got nothing to do with the XML. Here is the code I used in domino to open the chart swf file and pass it it's XML URL. var myChart = new FusionCharts("Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "900", "300", "0", "0");myChart.setDataURL ("JavaOutputXML?openagent&database=<Computed Value>"); myChart.render("chartdiv1"); Whats happening is the is NOT the URL that the Fusion Chart swf file is calling. It called /AnalyseUsage.nsf/JavaOutputXML?openagent&FCTime=34 My &Database= field is missing from the URL and has been replaced by a new field that must have comde from the SWF file. This has got to be a bug! What does my code that generates the XML care about this field. I think I can actually get around this by using %26 on the URL string rather than "&" and then chopping out the field I want. However this is definatly a problem.