I've found out what the problem is and itis got nothing to do with the XML. Here is the code I used in domino to open the chart swf file and pass it it's XML URL.
var myChart = new FusionCharts("Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "900", "300", "0", "0");myChart.setDataURL
("JavaOutputXML?openagent&database=<Computed Value>");
Whats happening is the is NOT the URL that the Fusion Chart swf file is calling. It called
My &Database= field is missing from the URL and has been replaced by a new field that must have comde from the SWF file. This has got to be a bug! What does my code that generates the XML care about this field.
I think I can actually get around this by using %26 on the URL string rather than "&" and then chopping out the field I want. However this is definatly a problem.