I have a chart that works perfect except when I have trendlines that are close, if this happens I get overlap and it makes the chart impossible to read. See my example. Anyway to fix this?
I have the following code wich generated the above image, the value on right doesnt seem to work.
<line startValue='10'color='990000'thickness='2'showOnTop='1'displayValue=' Est Close Date:\nApr-04-2011'toolText=' Est Close Date:\nApr-04-2011' />
<line startValue='0'color='01a409'thickness='2'valueOnRight='1'showOnTop='1'displayValue='Feasibility Ends:\nMar-25-2011'toolText='Feasibility Ends:\nMar-25-2011' />
<line startValue='0.35'color='0156a4'thickness='2'showOnTop='1'displayValue='Execute PSA:\nMar-25-2011'toolText='Execute PSA:\nMar-25-2011' />