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About zakyel

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Render As Image Not Flash

    Hello, Is is possible to show image of graph instead of flash ? What I want to do is I want to show image of graph before flash loaded. We are exporting whole page as PDF and we could not render the flash charts so trying to show image and render it. possible ? Thank you.
  2. Stacked 3D Chart Type

    We are using jsondata and using the attribute useroundedges but nothing happens. I think we can not round the edges of this type of chart ? StackedBar3D.swf "chart": { "useroundedges":"1", "showvalues": "0", "showborder": "0", "tooltipbgcolor": "414141", "tooltipbordercolor": "383838", "plotborderdashed": "1", "plotborderdashlen": "2", "plotborderdashgap": "2", "bgColor" : "414141", "basefontcolor": "FFFFFF", "alternatevgridcolor": "40b8fd", "formatNumber" : "0", "formatNumberScale" : "0", "showCanvasBase" : "0" },
  3. Stacked 3D Chart Type

    Thank you for your answers. This structure is good for us but we want rounded corners in bars. This is rectangular. Like this one : Thank you.
  4. Stacked 3D Chart Type

    Hi, I would like to ask if we order fusioncharts, are there different kinds of charts comes in full edition ? The next question, Is it possible to style the last chart in this link (3D Stacked Bar) like 2D Stacked Column. Becouse we would like to have a rounded bars like 2D Stacked Column but the bars should be horizontally aligned. Thank you.