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About mysky

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  1. Trendline not working

    Everything works but the trendline? ---- <chart caption="Control Chart" subcaption="" xaxisname="Month" PYaxisname="Number of Tickets" SYAxisName="FCI" decimals="0" numberPrefix="" numberSuffix="" sNumberSuffix="" setAdaptiveSYMin="1" showPlotBorder="1" palette="2"> <categories font="Arial" fontSize="12" fontColor="000000"> <category label="April" /> <category label="May" /> <category label="June" /> <category label="July" /> <category label="Aug" /> </categories> <dataset> <dataSet seriesName="Sev 1" color="AFD8F8" showValues="0"> <set value="4" /> <set value="5" /> <set value="4" /> <set value="2" /> <set value="5" /> </dataSet> </dataset> <dataSet> <dataset seriesname="Sev2" color="8BBA00" showValues="0"> <set value="4" /> <set value="6" /> <set value="7" /> <set value="8" /> <set value="4" /> </dataset> </dataSet> <lineSet seriesname="FCI" showValues="0" lineThickness="4"> <set value="400" /> <set value="789" /> <set value="1235" /> <set value="6789" /> <set value="156" /> </lineSet> <trendlines> <line startValue='5' color='91C728' displayValue='Target' showOnTop='1'/> </trendlines> </chart>
  2. Multiseries Line Chart and Max Value.

    Thank you for your help!!! Please let me know what I need to do to make the max work? <chart caption="APPLICATION OUTAGE" subcaption="if application is not listed below it was up 100%" lineThickness="2" showValues="0" formatNumberScale="0" anchorRadius="2" divLineAlpha="20" divLineColor="CC3300" divLineIsDashed="1" showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridAlpha="5" alternateHGridColor="CC3300" shadowAlpha="40" labelStep="2" numvdivlines="5" chartRightMargin="35" numberSuffix="" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAngle="270" bgAlpha="10,10" yAxisMinValue="2000" SYAxisMaxValue ="100000" PYAxisMaxValue = "10" labelDisplay='ROTATE' rotateValues ="1" showBorder ="0" > <categories> <category label="8/6/2006" /> <category label="8/7/2006" /> <category label="8/8/2006" /> <category label="8/9/2006" /> <category label="8/10/2006" /> <category label="8/11/2006" /> <category label="8/12/2006" /> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Offline Marketing" color="1D8BD1" anchorBorderColor="1D8BD1" anchorBgColor="1D8BD1"> <set value="1327" /> <set value="1826" /> <set value="500000" /> <set value="1511" /> <set value="1904" /> <set value="1957" /> <set value="1296" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Search" color="F1683C" anchorBorderColor="F1683C" anchorBgColor="F1683C"> <set value="2042" /> <set value="3210" /> <set value="2994" /> <set value="3115" /> <set value="2844" /> <set value="3576" /> <set value="1862" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Paid Search" color="2AD62A" anchorBorderColor="2AD62A" anchorBgColor="2AD62A"> <set value="850" /> <set value="1010" /> <set value="1116" /> <set value="1234" /> <set value="1210" /> <set value="1054" /> <set value="802" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="From Mail" color="DBDC25" anchorBorderColor="DBDC25" anchorBgColor="DBDC25"> <set value="541" /> <set value="781" /> <set value="920" /> <set value="754" /> <set value="840" /> <set value="893" /> <set value="451" /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name="CaptionFont" type="font" size="12" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="CAPTION" styles="CaptionFont" /> <apply toObject="SUBCAPTION" styles="CaptionFont" /> </application> </styles> </chart>
  3. Hello, I have using MSline.swf and have it working fine. The problem is: I have one value that is over 500k and the other values are very small. I would like the chart to only go up to 300k letting that line of course go above the chart cut off. I have tried the below with NO LUCK. The chart is worthless if I can not make the compersions smaller because you cannot see most of the lines due to the one value of 500k. Please help? Thank you yAxisMinValue="300000" SYAxisMaxValue ="300000" PYAxisMaxValue = "300000"
  4. Hello, I have created a very nice graph with at combination of Bar and Line. The problem is my boss wants the bar part of the chart to not be has high as it is. The only way I can find to make it smaller is to put in a smaller value, but then the value is not correct when viewing the chart. Is there any way to put a "value" as a smaller number then have the display text for the bar chart be a another number? Or any ideas on how to do this. Thanks,
  5. Scaling the bar chart

    Hello, I have no issue in creating a bar chart, but I have a wide range of variables and because I have one of the variables, which is very high number it causes the graph to not show the bars for the other lower variables.... My question is: Is there a way to scale the graph to where the high variable does not take as much of the scale of the graph so users can see th lower varibles better??? Example below <set label="Jan" value="462" /> <set label="Feb" value="857" /> <set label="Mar" value="671" /> <set label="Apr" value="10000" /> <set label="May" value="761" /> <set label="Jun" value="960" />