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Everything posted by drhinton

  1. I recently purchased Fusion Gadgets V3 for use in our OpenLaszlo based product. Before purchasing Gadgets V3 we tested out the Fusion/OpenLaszlo integration based on information in the OpenLaszlo support forum (thread: http://forum.openlaszlo.org/showthread.php?t=7270&page=3&highlight=fusion+chart). In particular I used the special Fusion Charts build from posting #45 from Pallav. I also utilized the OpenLaszlo "glue" code supplied in posting #48 from dhess. This all worked great. I am having issues integrating our newly purchased Gadgets V3 widgets in the same manner. The gadgets are working similar to the original charts before I found Pallav's special build. I am assuming that I need a "special" build of Fusion Gadgets V3 that includes the same "magic" included in the special build of Fusion Charts that Pallav included in the infamous posting #45. The two issues that the OpenLaszlo forum entries solved for me were chart sizing and simultaneous fast chart loading. Help getting an OpenLaszlo compatible version of Gadgets V3 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks