Hi guys,
I have some questions on Fusion Map :
I would like to do a Country Hit map similar to the example given in the Gallery.
From what I understand, longitude and latitude cannot be used, instead x and y coordinates need to be used.
However, I would like to know how do I get the x and y coordinates for each countries. The example in the gallery does not have a complete entry of countries. I do not find anything similar in the documentation either.
One way I could do it would be identifying the capital city coordinates (from the list of cities given in the documentation)
However from what i see in the documentation, the list is not complete as a number of countries is not included there.
How can I solve this problem?
Is there anywhere where i can get the list of x and y coordinates for every country?
One more question is whether this map is scalable. Meaning if i resize the map, do i need to change my x and y coordinates?