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Everything posted by jens

  1. Integration in Flash

    Hallo Palav. It was the correct folder and path. But problem solved now. I've download the latest version 3.0.6 of fusioncharts and problem does not occur anymore. Thanks
  2. Integration in Flash

    HI, I am using fusion Charts V.3 I want to load fusionchart in my flash movie. When I try out your examples in your documentation (Flash for web developers -->). I get hundrets of errors. I starts with **Error** Line 112: The class or interface 'com.fusioncharts.helper.FCError' could not be loaded. throw new FCError ("Invalid Macro", "Couldn't find Macro "" + strMacro + "". Please provide a valid macro name in XML. Do remember that macros are Case-sensitive and you can only assign pre-defined macro values. See documentation for more details.", Logger.LEVEL.ERROR); **Error** Line 113: The class or interface 'com.fusioncharts.helper.FCError' could not be loaded. throw new FCError ("Invalid Style Name in Style Definition", "Style "" + strStyleName + "" has not been defined and as such cannot be associated with a chart object.", Logger.LEVEL.ERROR); etc.. Even when I open your example files (e.g. myFirstChart.fla) in flash and save the file, the swf-file is not working anymore. Path etc. should be correct. I use Flash 8 Professionell version. Settings are Actionscript 2 Whats wrong??? Regards Jens
  3. Rotate chart

    hi, is there a way to rotate a chart, e.g a line chart, so the line starts at the top to end at the bottom. (because I need a so called "profile chart", which is very often used in market research) Or is there any workaround Many Thanks JEns