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About Jvanleuvan

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I'm having an issue trying to set a custom message. The following Javascript works just fine: The chart shows the custom Message ------------------------------------------------ var myChart = new FusionCharts("charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "300", "300", "0", "1"); myChart.setXMLUrl('SomeBad.xml'); myChart.configure( "InvalidXMLText", "Please Validate Data"); ----------------------------------------------- However, The following Javascript doesn't; the chart STILL shows the default "Invalid XML" message ------------------------------------------------ var myChart = new FusionCharts("charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "90%", "90%", "0", "1"); myChart.setXMLUrl('SomeBad.xml'); myChart.configure( "InvalidXMLText", "Please Validate Data"); ----------------------------------------------- Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jonathan
  2. Ms Line Chart Y-Limits

    The chart's range scales to the data, meaning if the largets number being graphed is 90 then the chart scales to have a Y limit of 90. But it is hard to read for some data. Is there an option to have the chart scale with some padding? This is a problem on line charts. Having a line directly at the very top of the graph is un-readable. See my attached picture. I Know I can set YMaxLimit. But that requires me to know what the data is before I graph it. Meaning I would have to have some server side script parse all the data and look for the maximum values. I was hoping to have the chart automatically scale(like it already does), but with a reasonable amount of padding. (say 10%). so the max values aren't against the chart's edge.
  3. Html 5 Charts Appear All Black

    My Charts on my Ipad / Ipad2 / Iphone4 using both IOS 4 and IOS 5 are all black(see attachement), but the flash version of those charts are normal colored. I am using Fusion Charts v 3.2.2 (XT) I am inclding FusionCharts.js in my page and have the following Files in the same folder as FusionCharts.js FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js FusionCharts.HC.js FusionCharts.jqueryplugin.js jquery.min.js
  4. Memory Leak

    I have noticed a memory leak (a quite sever one at that) in the linked charts. even on your own basic example: http://www.fusioncha...charts-xml.html The memory footprint increases by 2-3 Megs per click; Meaning, every time I "Drill down", 2-3 megs more consumed, then every time i click "Back" 2-3 more megs gone!, doesn't take too long before I run out of physical memory.(and the 2-3 Megs is on a tiny chart, with little data. on some of our larger charts with 250Kb of XML it can be 20 Megs per click; Please let me know; We cannot purchase your product until I have a solution for this as this is a pretty BIG bug; This is with Flash Ver: and and and I.E. Ver 7, 8, & 9
  5. Memory Leak

    I have noticed a memory leak (a quite sever one at that) in the linked charts. even on your own basic example: http://www.fusioncharts.com/Code/JavaScript/Basics/UsingLinkedCharts/linked-charts-xml.html The memory footprint increases by 2-3 Megs per click; Meaning, every time I "Drill down", 2-3 megs more consumed, then every time i click "Back" 2-3 more megs gone!, doesn't take too long before I run out of physical memory.(and the 2-3 Megs is on a tiny chart, with little data. on some of our larger charts with 250Kb of XML it can be 20 Megs per click; Please let me know; We cannot purchase your product until I have a solution for this as this is a pretty BIG bug; This is with Flash Ver: and and
  6. Cant Use Setchartattribute

    I am trying to use setChartAttribute to change the font size of the chart based on the user's window size. But I can't get it to work (even in testing) The problem is that the font size appears to stay the same 10pt font, even if I set it to a huge 50pt or a tiny 3 pt Also I have another question: Do I have to call the render() method after I chage a setting with setChartAttribute()? Here is the code i've tried, neither worked TRY #1----------------------------- function load(){ myVChart = new FusionCharts('Charts/bar2d.swf', 'myChartId', '98%', '95%', '0', '1'); myVChart.setXMLUrl('xml/test.xml'); myVChart.setChartAttribute('outCnvBaseFontSize',40); myVChart.render('graphH'); }; TRY #2----------------------------- function load(){ myVChart = new FusionCharts('Charts/bar2d.swf', 'myChartId', '98%', '95%', '0', '1'); myVChart.setXMLUrl('xml/test.xml'); myVChart.render('graphH'); myVChart.setChartAttribute('outCnvBaseFontSize',40); };
  7. What Is Wrong With This Data?

    Duh! Thanks a million! I was looking and looking for data errors. I never thought about spelling errors
  8. What Is Wrong With This Data?

    I am using MSColumn2D.swf and I always get "No Data to Display" with the follwoing XML data. I have looked at it for 2 days and cant figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. The XML is "Valid" meaning all open tags are cloeds properly etc.. But apparently I don't fully understand your data format. <----------------------------XML BELOW-----------------------> <chart caption="Overtime" yAxisName="Overtime" xAxisName="Date"> <catagories> <catagory label="6/9/2011" /> <catagory label="6/10/2011" /> <catagory label="6/11/2011" /> <catagory label="6/12/2011" /> <catagory label="6/13/2011" /> <catagory label="6/14/2011" /> </catagories> <dataset seriesName="23003"> <set value="5.43" /> <set value="9.37" /> <set value="2.93" /> <set value="3.3" /> <set value="2.22" /> <set value="3.55" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="29004"> <set value="0.08" /> <set value="0.03" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.38" /> <set value="0.18" /> <set value="0.02" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="39999"> <set value="0.08" /> <set value="0.1" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.12" /> <set value="0.1" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="40999"> <set value="7.73" /> <set value="21.87" /> <set value="26.13" /> <set value="18.12" /> <set value="11.4" /> <set value="1.7" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="43999"> <set value="0.08" /> <set value="8.2" /> <set value="0.62" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.37" /> <set value="10.47" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="44999"> <set value="0.03" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.02" /> <set value="0" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="45999"> <set value="1.97" /> <set value="5.98" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.65" /> <set value="1.02" /> <set value="0.18" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="47999"> <set value="0.07" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.03" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="70999"> <set value="0.02" /> <set value="0.08" /> <set value="0.03" /> <set value="0.05" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.07" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="22002"> <set value="4.2" /> <set value="1.63" /> <set value="6.45" /> <set value="0.98" /> <set value="0.95" /> <set value="0.32" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="41003"> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.02" /> <set value="0.03" /> <set value="0.02" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0.05" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="28008"> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="0" /> <set value="2.23" /> <set value="0.02" /> </dataset> </chart>