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Everything posted by Ravindra

  1. We are evaluating FusionCharts for all our charting purposes. I think that FusionCharts is a great product. We need to support Arabic and Urdu languages. I have experimented over a day on properly rendering the legends in those languages. I read your article at http://www.fusioncha...TF8Example.html on Using FusionCharts with PHP. There the image of the rendered chart at http://www.fusioncha.../utf8_chart.jpg is perfect; however when I run the same code in my LAMP box at FusionCharts_Evaluation/Code/PHP/UTF8Examples/dataXML.php , attached is the output. It is rendered incorrectly. I have saved the dataXML.php with BOM. Is there anything else I need to do generate the chart as given in your documentation? We need to make a decision about FusionCharts as quickly as possible; therefore I appreciate a quick reply.
  2. Arabic And Urdu Legends In Fusion Charts

    A little more information for you to work with. I have attached the source code which contains the reversed text as well, plus the display. The reversed text is in May and June positions. I have also included a simple PHP var_dump at the top that has the correct rendering. I noticed that the same example in http://www.fusioncha...TF8Example.html and http://www.fusioncha...ocs/SpChar.html have different rendering, The former is correct. Latter is incorrect and is what I experience. thanks again. source code display with reversed text
  3. Arabic And Urdu Legends In Fusion Charts

    Thanks for the reply. The text is being reversed. And due to the nature of these languages when the same characters are displayed in reverse, the display is not exactly a reverse of the same font characters. I provided reversed text to Fusion Chart, but still the display is incorrect. I am curious how you managed to display correctly in the screenshot in FusionCharts documentation. Thanks again for the response. We have to make a decision quickly about FusionCharts.