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Everything posted by KvanTTT

  1. Why are dashed lines not working in flash version of scatter chart? I attached image for clarity.
  2. How can I highlight individual points in scatter chart similar to column or line charts? If this feature does not exists, are you planning to develop it?
  3. Thanks you for response. In addition first of all we need to be able to make a segment of the scatter chart dashed. For example, this is important when drawing graphs of functions with discontinuities (gaps).
  4. How to overcome the problem with horizontal lines value, as it is shown at attached image? I use Scatter Chart. Now there are vertical values starting from 1 with step 300 (1, 301, 601, etc.) But I need in initial value = 0 with step 300.
  5. Scrolll Column 3D

    Is fusion charts support scroll column 3d chart now? When it will be supported?
  6. Chart With Gap

    How to render chart with gap and vertical dashed line as shown on attached image?
  7. Hi, Why do not working localized messages in Javascript version, such as "No data to display" and other? Kvanttt.
  8. Not Working Localized Messages

    I attached screenshot to this message. I using the last beta version of FusionCharts (3.2.2). Also i place here xml code of charts: Flash chart: <script type="text/javascript"> FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash(); var chart_pieChart8 = new FusionCharts({"debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" : "/FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf?PBarLoadingText=Загрузка графика...&XMLLoadingText=Загрузка данных...&ParsingDataText=Загрузка данных...&ChartNoDataText=Нет данных для отображения.&RenderingChartText=Отрисовка графика...&LoadDataErrorText=Произошла ошибка при загрузке данных.&InvalidXMLText=Неверный формат данных.", "renderAt" : "pieChart8Div", "width" : "500px", "wMode" : "transparent", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "pieChart8", "registerWithJS" : "1", "height" : "300px","dataSource" : "<chart bgColor='99CCFF, FFFFFFFF' bgAlpha='40' bgAngle='360' showBorder='1' borderColor='000000' canvasBorderColor='ABB9C2' showShadow='0' lineColor='1D8BD1' lineThickness='1' labelStep='1' showValues='0' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='11' baseFontColor='585858' drawAnchors='1' anchorAlpha='0' anchorBgAlpha='0' chartRightMargin='25' decimalSeparator =',' thousandSeparator =' ' formatNumberScale='0' ><styles><definition><style name='CaptionFontStyle' type='font' font='Tahoma' size='11' color='585858' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='CaptionFontStyle' /></application></styles></chart>"}).render();</script> Javascript chart: <script type="text/javascript"> var chart_pieChart9 = new FusionCharts({"renderer" : "javascript", "debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" : "/FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf?PBarLoadingText=Загрузка графика...&XMLLoadingText=Загрузка данных...&ParsingDataText=Загрузка данных...&ChartNoDataText=Нет данных для отображения.&RenderingChartText=Отрисовка графика...&LoadDataErrorText=Произошла ошибка при загрузке данных.&InvalidXMLText=Неверный формат данных.", "renderAt" : "pieChart9Div", "width" : "500px", "wMode" : "transparent", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "pieChart9", "registerWithJS" : "1", "height" : "300px","dataSource" : "<chart bgColor='99CCFF, FFFFFFFF' bgAlpha='40' bgAngle='360' showBorder='1' borderColor='000000' canvasBorderColor='ABB9C2' showShadow='0' lineColor='1D8BD1' lineThickness='1' labelStep='1' showValues='0' baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='11' baseFontColor='585858' drawAnchors='1' anchorAlpha='0' anchorBgAlpha='0' chartRightMargin='25' decimalSeparator =',' thousandSeparator =' ' formatNumberScale='0' ><styles><definition><style name='CaptionFontStyle' type='font' font='Tahoma' size='11' color='585858' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='CaptionFontStyle' /></application></styles></chart>"});chart_pieChart9.render();</script>
  9. When I have done charts updgrade to the latest version with parameters of font (baseFont='Tahoma' baseFontSize='11'baseFontColor='686868' ), the size of font in the title of new chart became bigger. How to repair it?
  10. Problems With Fonts When Upgrading

    Thank you for your help.
  11. Problems With Fonts When Upgrading

    Can i change it size in any manner?
  12. Problems With Fonts When Upgrading

    Thank you to fast response! I attach file to this message.