Hi There,
Im trying to achieve the same, but i cant get it to work. Think it has to do something with my wrapper file.
I use this as my function:
But i'm not sure where to add this, here's what i did:
In flash:
- choose to create a new flash file with AS2.0
- ctrl + f8 to insert a new symbol
- Choose for movieclip and use name "mc"
- Right click on the timeframe and choose for "handelingen" ( its the lowest option, handelingen is a dutch word and yes stupid me installed the dutch version )
- A code like editor comes up, i pasted the code above on it and close it.
- Export this to an SWF file and i called it WRAPPER.swf
Here's my Flex app:
This is the error:
Error #2044: Unhandled StatusEvent:. level=error, code=
Any help will be appreciated