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About gigemboy

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Has no one managed to write .NET wrapper classes for FusionCharts yet? As a developer, this would come in VERY handy when programatically creating charts for ASP.NET. I was looking around the net for some, but have yet to find anything. Does anyone know of any resources out there that contain this? Or am I going to have to sit down and hammer it out myself? Any help would be appreciated
  2. Third Y Axis?

    Well 3 Y axis on a 2D chart doesn't make sense. What are the number ranges of each series? Why not just use a multi-series column chart, like the one here (right hand column, next to last). That example has three unique series... Also on the dual Y charts, you aren't restricted to one item being an area, one item being a line, etc. You can use the 'RenderAs' attribute to specify whether to render it as a line, bar, etc...
  3. Degree symbol in Captions?

    Just wondering if there is a way to code a degree symbol for captions. I see examples of setting special characters for number prefixes, etc, but I tried it a similar way for captions but had no luck. I just need to input the degree symbol to note temperature degrees on an axis caption, but can't find a way to do it. I am assuming the character is '%C2%B0' (looked up flash special characters), but the actual text '%C2%B0' is displayed, and not the degree symbol. Something I am missing? Or does it support this?
  4. Legend with Anchors?

    Thanks for the response.
  5. Legend with Anchors?

    Wondering if there are any options to modify the legend information. All it displays currently is the color of the line. However, for a multi-series chart, if one were to print out the chart in black and white, these lines look very similar, so there is no way to tell what is what. I have partially solved this by changing the anchor points to be different for each line, but the legend still just shows the colors. I need to add the anchor point to be shown in the legend as well so a person can decipher what line is what when viewing a printed chart. Any ideas?
  6. Anchors for Multi-Series plots

    Actually, if you just set the anchor properties for the series, it does in fact change them all... resolved...
  7. Is there a way to set a particular series' anchors to all be one particular shape? In the documentation, I only see examples of setting the entire chart anchors to be a certain shape, or setting an individual data point to be a different shape. Instead of having to code the XML for every single data point in the series, how can I specify the entire series anchors to be a certain shape?