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Everything posted by Surya

  1. Hi!, While I opened the HTML file, I noticed that it showed a Javascript error warning for that page. The error said "FusionChartsExportObject" in Line 24 of my code is "Undefined". Could you please clarify me on this and could it be the reason for me not viewing the "Save" button?
  2. Is it a limitation of Fusioncharts Evaluation??.. I am really stuck!.. Tried out all browser options .. All I get is "FusionCharts Export Handler Component " in place of "Save" button. Don't know whats really wrong.. Let me keep trying...Thanks for all the prompt responses..
  3. Hi, I have the following in my XML code.. 1. exportEnabled='1' 2. I am trying out Client side exporting only ,so I've set exportAtClient='1' 3. exportHandler='fcExporter1' which is same as the FusionChartsExportObject name mentioned. I'm attaching the HTML and XML for your viewing. New.html data.xml Am I still missing something??
  4. Hi Angshu, Thanks for the prompt reply. 1.RegisterWithJS parameter is enabled var myChart = new FusionCharts("C:/Documents and Settings/lzxf40/Desktop/LearningFusionCharts/FirstChart/Fusioncharts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "300", "0", "1"); 2. Flash Player 10.2.x is installed. 3.I have added this piece of code as well. <script language="JavaScript" src="C:/Documents and Settings/lzxf40/Desktop/LearningFusionCharts/FirstChart/FusionCharts/FusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script> and the file is present exactly in the location mentioned. 4. I have included the FCExporter.swf in the code and have included in the proper location. I have also made proper changes in the Global Flash Security Settings by selecting Select the "Always allow" radio button on the top to allow security exceptions. I have also added the correct folder paths containing the SWF files to be considered for exception. Not able to view the SAVE button still.. .. Help!!!