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About fandre

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  1. I can add style properties to annotations and they work properly. But once I try to implement them through a style call they don't work. I'm using HLinearGauge and AngularGauge with this annotation. <annotations> <annotationGroup id="groupOne" showBelow = "0"> <annotation type="text" label="Area C" x="50" y="10" size="12" color="000000" /> </annotationGroup> </annotations> <styles> <definition> <style name="styleOne" type="font" size="12" isHTML="1" underline="1" bold="1"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="groupOne" styles="styleOne" /> </application> </styles> I'm adding an underline and bold style to the annotation but nothing gets implemeted. I can't see any errors in the code. Is it possible that these gadgets don't support style calls? Andrew