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Everything posted by JulioZenteno

  1. Legend, Labels Chart Space Usage.

    hey there Fusion charts users and devs. i have a little problem, since i have an stacked chart that is generated with dinamic data, so its constantly changing its data. because of that, when there are too many Datasets on the chart the Legend starts to grown and start to shrink the chart make it unreadeable. i read that when the Legend has too many data sets an scrollbar but this seems to work only when the legend its on the right. same thing happend with the labels that use a lot of space. i cant use any property if they are "rotate" to shrink them and use less space on the SWF. is there a way to force the chart to be bigger than the rest of the elements on the screen? here is a picture of the chart so you have an idea of what im talking about. thank you so much.
  2. the poor legend options of fusioncharts

  3. Simple Bar Chart % On Tooltip

    im working with simple type charts, when i use pie charts i can put the values on the labels and the % on the tooltip but when i use Bar type (even with the same XML) it wont show the % value on the tool tip. is there a way to do this work? or i have to paste it my self as text for the tool tip to show? thanks.
  4. Scroll Stacked Column 3D

    i have limited space for a graphic on a webpage proyect. i used a 2D Stacked Column graphic but my boss wants it to be 3D. its posible to make a 3D Stacked Column chart but with an scroll bar? thanks.
  5. Chagin Chart Type

    ok, so i still dont get it. im trying to do a Drill down chart but i get the "no data to display" error because the second chart has to be a simple chart and im working with a multichart. si have this code: " Grafico1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/StackedColumn3D.swf", "", MotorGrafic.xmlGrafico, "myNext", "600", "300", True, True, True) " on the code behind where i render the chart but i dont know how to spesify that i want to use another SWF for my second chart. the XML Data is given in the string "MotorGrafic.xmlGrafico" wich is generated in another class. i tryed to understand the documentation that i think says what i have to do. but i simply dont undestand it. mind to explain it to me? the documentation i was lookin was this one: http://www.fusioncha.../?CS_Drill.html thank you so much for this.
  6. Chagin Chart Type

    maybe i explained myself wrong, sorry about my bad english. i dont want to do multiple chats in a page, i can actually do that pretty good. the problem i have is that i have a stacked 3d chart and when you click one of the data bars in the chart it leads you to a second chart (drill down chat) but this one is a simple one, so, since the first one is a stacked 3D type it gives me an error of "no data to display". on the documentation they change the Type of the chart to a simple 3D column in javascript but i dont know how to do that on vb.net. hope this is better explained.