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About rocky1518

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  1. Fc_Exported And Https

    i have a site with multiple charts that export on a button click. the charts are being exported to a folder on the server. when the site is opened in http the FC_Expoeted function is called no problem, but when i open it thru https the FC_Exported function is never called. i have confirmed that the charts are exporting to the server just fine. this problem is only in IE - Firefox works just fine please help
  2. Have you tried opening the 32 bit versions of the browsers and testing? Look for the .exe files to run: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application C:\Program Files (x86)\Safari I had similar problems and come to find out most of the fusion chart code only works on 32-bit browsers.
  3. I have a website with multiple charts being displayed. The div they are contained in is set to overflow auto. The problem I am having is that when I select my button to export all the charts server side the charts that are in the visible portion of the div export with no problem but I have to scroll to the other charts in order for them to export. My problem is not so much the rendering it is the export after the rendering. The button is displayed below all the charts so in order for them to get to the button they scroll down which in turn renders all the charts. The page has lets say 7 charts and when the button is clicked all the charts should export to a folder in the server. In Firefox and Chrome when I push the button all the charts export at the same time, but in IE only the charts that are in the visible viewing area on the screen will export and the only way to get the remaining charts to export you have to put them in the visible viewing area. This problem is only happening in Internet Explorer versions 7,8,9 - it exports all the charts fine in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari I am using Fusion Charts v3, php 5.3, and flash 10.3
  4. Export Outside View Area In Ie

    my problem is not so much the rendering it is the export after the rendering. the page has lets say 7 charts and below all those charts i have a button that exports all the charts into a folder on the server. in Firefox and chrome when i push the button all the charts export at the same time, but in IE only the charts that are in the visible viewing area on the screen will export and the only way to get the remaining charts to export you have to put them in the visible viewing area. and this issue is with versions 7,8,9 of IE
  5. i have a website with multiple charts being displayed. the div they are contained in is set to overflow auto. the problem i am having is that when i select my button to export all the charts server side the charts that are in the visible portion of the div export with no problem but i have to scroll to the other charts in order for them to export. the button id displayed below all the charts so in order for them to get to the button they scroll down which in turn renders all the charts. this problem is only happening in Internet Explorer - it exports all the charts fine in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari i am using Fusion Charts v3, php 5.3, and flash 10.3 please help.