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Everything posted by suneeth

  1. I have made a simple drill down map which drills down from the world regions map into continents. The problem that I am facing is that even though the World map is getting created and the continents have become clickable links, NOTHING happens when I click the links. I enabled debug mode and saw that the xml was correct. Here is the xml that is printed while debugging. XML Data: <map bgColor='515166' borderColor='005879' fillColor='9DA58C' numberSuffix=' % ' includeValueInLabels='0' labelSepChar=': ' baseFontSize='9'><colorRange><color minValue='90' maxValue='500' displayValue='> 90% Completion Rate' color='FFFFFF' /><color minValue='70' maxValue='90' displayValue='70% - 90% Completion Rate' color='FFBABA' /><color minValue='1' maxValue='70' displayValue='1% - 70% Completion Rate' color='FF6060' /><color minValue='0' maxValue='1' displayValue='Zero Completion Rate' color='FF1E1E' /><color minValue='1000' maxValue='1000' displayValue='No Data' color='9DA58C' /></colorRange> <data> <entity id='01' value='79.88' displayValue='ASIA' link='Javascript:showWorldMap();' /><entity id='02' value='91.27' displayValue='EUROPE' link='Javascript:show02Map();' /><entity id='03' value='80.0' displayValue='AFRICA' link='Javascript:show03Map();' /><entity id='04' value='94.19' displayValue='NORTH AMERICA' link='Javascript:show04Map();' /><entity id='05' value='78.19' displayValue='SOUTH AMERICA' link='Javascript:show05Map();' /><entity id='06' value='89.47' displayValue='CENTRAL AMERICA' link='Javascript:show06Map();' /><entity id='07' value='65' displayValue='OCEANIA' link='Javascript:show07Map();' /><entity id='08' value='0' displayValue='MIDDLE EAST' link='Javascript:show08Map();' /> </data></map> I think this could have happened if the methods don't exist. But, I have all the javascript methods in the page and i tried putting alerts in them. None of clicks actually call my javascript function. But, when I call them from anywhere outside the map, it works fine. Please tell me what could be wrong with something like this. <entity id='01' value='79.88' displayValue='ASIA' link='Javascript:showWorldMap();' />
  2. Javascript links not working

    Thanx a lot Sudipto It works perfectly in my appserver (apache/tomcat). But, doesn't work when I put it in a static html. That is what worried me. Does this mean javascript links on the maps don't work in a static html page? I am trying to make some static prototypes. Is there a work around for getting this done without deploying it on an app server? And the usage of %25 for % works too. (For number suffix and also for legends). Thanks again for the prompt reply!!
  3. Javascript links not working

    Also, I want to give '%' as a numberSuffix.. numberSuffix=' % ' doesn't work. In fact, let me know how to do this.