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Everything posted by spamarti

  1. Jquery Mobile

    I am hoping that experts at Fusioncharts would be able shed some light on these two issues.
  2. Jquery Mobile

    That was my issue #2. For now, I am lading the page with "target=_self" and that loads the chart fine but we lose the page transition animation. I guess we can live without it for now. But my issue #1 is that javascript chart would not render if I include jquery css/js with in page and that needs to be resolved.
  3. Javascipt version of the following demo chart shows up differently on my server. Attached is the image. Values for Jan/Feb for purple series(2006) are empty. Flash version does show them correctly by not including them in chart but javascript version show those two points at 0. Somehow demo version on shows it correctly. Appreciate help and feedback. Thanks.
  4. Jquery Mobile

    Flash version works fine with no issues but we are after javascript version.
  5. Jquery Mobile

    I am having the same issue. Can you please share solution?I have attached sample chart html/xml files. Javascript chart does not render. If I remove any jquery js/css import lines from html file, chart renders fine. Thanks, Siva test.html test.xml
  6. I contacted sales and they tell me that we have the latest version already.I have attached email. The version we have does not render javascript chart correctly and your fix made it work. Is there another way to get the latest version? We have 3.2.1 Please help. Siva ============= Siva, Yes I could see from your account that you are using themost recent product version. At any stage you can visit your login and click on'Updates' Tab to watch out for any updates available to you within thesubscription period. Please let me know if you've any further queries. Regards, Neil B FusionCharts Team Tel: (+91 33) 4006 5684/85 Ext: 216 | Mobile: +91 8420004978 ==========
  7. We have the exact same need. Do you have a time frame when that feature will be available? thanks.
  8. I believe I figured it out. I had to copy all .JS files to relative path to make it work. thanks.
  9. Thanks. I will send an email to sales with order information then. I did find one more difference. When I used the following, javascript chart comes up as blank but flash chart works fine. Please note that we need the relative path for fusioncharts.js file. To be able to show these charts offline on iPad, I need to set relative path there. I tried ./FusionCharts.js but did not work. Please help. ============ <html> <head> <title>Finance Charts</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts.js"> </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var mychart = new FusionCharts({ swfUrl: 'MSCombi3D.swf', width: '100%', height: '100%', renderer: 'javascript', renderAt: 'chartContainer', dataSource: 'wti.xml', dataFormat: FusionChartsDataFormats.XMLURL }); mychart.render(); </script> </body> </html> ================
  10. Very cool. It worked. Thanks for the quick response. Now, it displays a footer caleld " fusioncharts-highcharts". Is there a way to hide that text? Also, I am using 100% width and height for the charts and they appear full screen on chrome,firefox and ipad but not on IE. Is there something that we could do to make it happen. In fact they were showing up full screen on IE with old JS file. Siva