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Everything posted by designated

  1. XML cross domains

    Im trying to build some charts which can be packaged in to portable widgets - for example a user comes to my page, enters their info and I create a unique xml feed and spit out some embed code for them to copy and paste onto their site. This data is constantly updated so their widget would always show new data when they refresh their page. I realize the dataURL method will not work for this due to the XSS security fixes. But is there ANY possible way around this using the dataXML method with in the swf? please advise. Thanks
  2. I would like to build charts based on some user params and offer users embed code so they can embed my data on their sites via a fusionWidget. So far I have not had any luck with cross domain functionality. The goal is to generate some embed code with an xml feed (dataUrl) from my domain - which the user can take and distribute to their sites. Is this possible?