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About origami

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    Junior Member
  1. Hi guys, There seems to be a problem with the calculation of the best-fit radius when the legend is placed on the right. After some testing, it seems to be related to the category labels. If I use empty strings for all my labels, then the radar chart becomes excessively big showing a cropped view of the centre of the chart. If I use a single character for all my labels, then the auto-sized radar chart looks pretty reasonable. When I use strings that are longer than a single character, the chart becomes too small. I've attached screenshots of these scenarios and I'm using version 3.2.1 of the Radar chart. Is there a way to make the chart auto-size not dependent on category label length? (I don't want to have to explicitly specify the radius with the radarRadius property).) Thanks, origami
  2. Hi, When using an italic font, the text for my caption, x-axis name, y-axis name, data labels and y-axis labels become cutoff at the end of the string. Is there a workaround that allows italics but doesn't cutoff? I've attached a sample. Thanks, origami CutOff.zip
  3. Hi, Is there anything going on with this? Thanks,
  4. Hi Angshu, I already know about the radarRadius attribute, however I have a lot of dynamic generation of charts, so this attribute will not be constant for me and cannot be predetermined. My main problem is with the calculation of the best-fit radius. It seems to not work properly when my legend position is on the right. After some testing, it seems to be related to the category labels. If I use empty strings for all my labels, then the radar chart becomes excessively big showing a cropped view of the centre of the chart. If I use a single character for all my labels, then the auto-sized radar chart looks pretty reasonable. When I use strings that are longer than a single character, the chart becomes too small. I've attached screenshots of these scenarios and I believe I'm using version 3.2.1 of the Radar chart. Is there a way to make the chart auto-size not dependent on category label length? Thanks, origami
  5. Hi, I'm running into an issue with the radar chart. When the legend position is on the bottom, then everything appears fine. However, when using the same xml data but with legendPosition='right', the radar chart becomes very small. How do I go about fixing this issue without having to explicitly specify my desired radar chart width. Thanks, origami
  6. Our maps have shadows, but when we try generating an exported image, the shadows have been removed. Is there anything I need to do for shadows to appear in my exported maps?
  7. Hi, Our copy of FCMap_NewWorld.swf displays all the countries as well. Thanks, origami
  8. Hi, What is the difference between FCMap_NewWorld.swf and FCMap_WorldwithCountries.swf? They both seem to do the same thing. Both are in our trial copy, however only the latter is in our enterprise copy. Thanks, origami