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About Dylan

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    Forum Newbie
  1. What's on your mind?

  2. Category Label Does Not Display Normally

    Hi, I found that it will works normally by removing outCnvBaseFontSize parameter. <chart showvalues='0' animation='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='100' numberSuffix='%' drawAnchors='0' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' showLabels='1' stack100Percent='1' plotGradientColor='CDCDB4' plotFillRatio='80,20' plotFillAlpha='95,100' plotFillAngle='90' outCnvBaseFontSize='9' outCnvBaseFontColor='333333' numVDivLines='29' > The problem is solved. Thanks for your reply.
  3. Category Label Does Not Display Normally

    Hi, It still does not work. When I use this xml in flash mode, it works normally. But when using in javascript mode, it just shows as the attached png file.
  4. Hi, The StackedArea2D 's category of test.html does not display normal. I hope that it can show 03/01, 03/02, 03/03, 03/04....,03/31 for every day. But it just show 03/01,03/08,03/15,03/22 and 03/29 (increment by 7), others disappeared. The test.html includes the whole XML definition. How can I modify the XML to let it shows as I want? Thanks. test.html