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About shanecotee

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  1. I'd like to add to this thread for anyone else who had the JavaScript fallback problem while using AJAX in ASP.NET with the FusionCharts RenderChart() method. We could get the JavaScript fallback to work with RenderChartHTML(), but that method wouldn't work for our AJAX requests, by design. Luckily, I found a fix. When calling FusionCharts.RenderChart(), that method would call RenderChartALL() inside of FusionCharts.dll, or in FusionCharts.cs if you have the source code. Since we had the source code to work with, I added the following code to RenderChartALL() within FusionCharts.cs around line 78: builder.Append("FusionCharts._fallbackJSChartWhenNoFlash();" + Environment.NewLine); Now the JavaScript fallback seems to work perfectly within our ASP.NET MVC 3 application, whether it's rendering the chart in the initial page load or in response to an AJAX request. Hope that helps someone. Shane Cotee Owner, Lead Developer Prestige Web Development