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About rafik

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Setadaptiveymin

    Hi, I ma using example from documentation http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/PHP_DB.html using multi-series line chart. I added Setadaptiveymin='1' and no change thanks
  2. Setadaptiveymin

    Hi, I have dynamicly generated chart based on data from mysql serwer. That's why I don't know min Y axis value. In documentation I found setAdaptiveYMin attribute. It has vaule 1 buy still min Y value is always zero. In my data for xml I don't have any zeros or null values. What reson could be for having always min Y =0? Thanks
  3. Background Logo

    Hi Angshu, thanks for quick response.
  4. Background Logo

    Hi, I know that I can add jpg,gif,swf or anyother graphic file as background using bgSWF attribute. In default file is added in top left corner. How can I move it to bottom right or in the middle? thanks