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About chthani

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Xml Issue

    hi i am using fusion charts(old version- free) for my project using with JSP. for plotting data from database i used dataURL method. for single series charts its ok.but now i want to get a multiple series charts. but i dont know how to generate the XML file for that. for an example- <graph caption="Business Results: 2005" yaxisname="Revenue (Millions)" hovercapbg="FFFFFF" divLineColor="999999" divLineAlpha="80" numdivlines="5" decimalPrecision="0" numberPrefix="{:content:}quot; numberSuffix="M"> <categories> <category name="Hardware"/> <category name="Software"/> <category name="Service"/> </categories> <dataset seriesname="Domestic" color="839F2F"> <set value="84"/> <set value="207"/> <set value="116"/> </dataset> <dataset seriesname="International" color="56B9F9"> <set value="116"/> <set value="237"/> <set value="83"/> </dataset> </graph> please any one can help me to get this XML .thanks...