Tommy Nguyen

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About Tommy Nguyen

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  1. Javascript Fallback Does Not Work On Ipad

    The above working really well on Flash enable browser. However nothing dipslay on IPAD. Thanks
  2. Dear Team, We are looking to buy your product but we tried the below process and the javascript fallback does not work on Ipad. Can you please investigate and let us know ASAP? So we can make a decision on buying your product. http://www.fusioncha...pdatePanel.html Our code is as the below: #region Code IList<Leasing_GetTenancyMixGraphResult> results = _respository.Leasing_GetTenancyMixGraph( sessionController.UserDetails.UserID , sessionController.UserDetails.OrganizationID ,(sessionController.SessionRepository.LastSearchType == au.knightfrank.Shared.BusinessEntities.SearchType.Portfolio) ? (int?)sessionController.PortfolioDetails.PortfolioID.Value : null ,(sessionController.SessionRepository.LastSearchType == au.knightfrank.Shared.BusinessEntities.SearchType.Portfolio) ? (char?)sessionController.PortfolioDetails.PortfolioType[0] : null ,(sessionController.SessionRepository.LastSearchType == au.knightfrank.Shared.BusinessEntities.SearchType.Property) ? sessionController.PropertyDetails.ConcatenatedPropertyIDs : null ); string myXMLData = @"<chart caption='Area' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' animation='1' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1' showLegend='1'>"; foreach (Leasing_GetTenancyMixGraphResult result in results) { string name = result.category.Substring(result.category.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim(); name = Regex.Replace(name, "[^0-9a-zA-Z ]+", ""); double value = (result.percentage.HasValue) ? (double)result.percentage.Value : 0.0d; if (result.RowID.HasValue) { int counter = System.Convert.ToInt32(result.RowID.Value); if (this.ExcludedList.Count > 0) { if (this.ExcludedList.Where(x => x == counter).Count() <= 0) { myXMLData += @"<set label='" + name + @"' value='" + value.ToString() + @"' link='javascript:Slice_OnClicked(" + counter + @");' />"; } } else { myXMLData += @"<set label='" + name + @"' value='" + value.ToString() + @"' link='javascript:Slice_OnClicked(" + counter + @");' />"; } } else { myXMLData += @"<set label='" + name + @"' value='" + value.ToString() + @"' />"; } } myXMLData += @"</chart>"; litChart.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("../js/Charts/Pie3D.swf", "", myXMLData, "tenancyMix", "600", "300", false, true); #endregion Kind Regards, Tommy