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Everything posted by erezharari

  1. specifying chart width as 100%

    does fusion charts support '%' in width and height?
  2. such as getXMLData() this method would be used by me to change the xml in javascript and set it back again, all on client side.. methods to change chart size when the page reloads without re-creating the object. 10x
  3. Chart is shrinked..

    from time to time my charts is drawn shrinked.. this happens randomly, especially when i use javascript to replace only the chart (and not the complete page). please find a sample code. please find a photo. please note that the shrinked chart object is large as the sorrounding div. however, the chart is not drawn with the correct scale.. please help :-)
  4. Chart is shrinked..

    here is the fix: This bug seems to have been fixed with the help of HBR Labs ? By looking into the flash code, they noticed that with and height parameters are not passed to the FlashVars parameter. The quick fix was to send these values with the xml: urlToXml = "dataURL="+xml+"&chartwidth="+size[0]+"&chartheight="+size[1]; The correct solution is to fix it within FusionCharts.js. the code here does try to pass relevant parameters to the FlashVars parameter: //Pass width and height to be appended as chartWidth and chartHeight this.addVariable('chartWidth', w); this.addVariable('chartHeight', h); However, in the getSWFHTML () method the implementation is bad and does not append it to the parameter sent from the client In getSWFHTML: function() { } else { // PC IE swfNode = ''; swfNode += ''; var params = this.getParams(); for(var key in params) { swfNode += ''; } var pairs = this.getVariablePairs().join("&"); if(pairs.length > 0) {swfNode += '';} swfNode += ""; } - flashvars is lowercase - if the client passes a FlashVars param they are not appended. The fix (done on MBM and BIT): ? getSWFHTML: function() { var swfNode = ""; if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) { // netscape plugin architecture swfNode = ' swfNode += ' id="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" name="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" '; var params = this.getParams(); var pairs = this.getVariablePairs().join("&"); for(var key in params) { /* HBR fix - pass variables to the FlashVars parameter */ //handle FlashVars if("FlashVars"==key) pairs += "&" + params[key]; else swfNode += [key] +'="'+ params[key] +'" '; } //handle FlashVars if(pairs.length > 0) swfNode += 'FlashVars="'+ pairs +'"'; swfNode += '/>'; } else { // PC IE swfNode = ''; swfNode += ''; var params = this.getParams(); var pairs = this.getVariablePairs().join("&"); for(var key in params) { /* HBR fix - pass variables to the FlashVars parameter */ //handle FlashVars if("FlashVars"==key) pairs += "&" + params[key]; else swfNode += ''; } //handle FlashVars if(pairs.length > 0) swfNode += ''; swfNode += ""; } alert(swfNode); return swfNode; },
  5. Chart is shrinked..

    i am using FusionChart.js.. i urge you to try the samples..
  6. Resize like a swfobject

    render() makes the object to be re-created and the chart to download the XML again. i only want to resize without re-downloading the data.
  7. Resize like a swfobject

    How should the chart be redrawn? using which javascript method?
  8. How to resize a chart?

    the chart was loaded using an external URL (for XML) now, whne the browser is resized, i want to re-calc chart size and resize it. how do i call the chart and make it resize? would it make it re-load the XML from the external URL? how do i avoid that?