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Everything posted by ronchese

  1. Hello. We are using a Multi Series Line (MSLine.swf). The customer has identified a case that I could not reproduce, but I have a screenshot of this. In this screenshot, we have data that is drawn too near the chart border (top), not giving a space between them. See the image below to understand what I'm talking about: Notice the anchors for "BB" being drawn at top of chart (y data value is 1.8). Is there any way to give a safe space between the top anchors and the chart border? Thanks!
  2. Show '%' character in title

    Hello. I'm using MultiLine Axis char and it is working fine. My problem is with title, I'm trying to show '%' character, but the chart just ignores it. For example: If I set this title: "Profitability (% a.m.)" ir will show "Profitability ( a.m.)" Do you know why? Thanks.
  3. Show '%' character in title

    Yeah, it works. Thanks. PS: where can I find a table of those codes? ----------------------