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About Vestdata

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  1. How to dissapear the zero plane label.

    No problem. First is a screenshot with black font, you can see the zero plane label on the left, we would like to remove that. Second is a screenshot as we currently have it, with white font, forcing us to manually add a legend and title. Is there any way to remove just the zero plane label? Thanks ROSCO
  2. How to dissapear the zero plane label.

    Thanks for your help, but my question is not about the plane itself - I want that to remain, but I want to remove the label associated with it. The only way I've found is to set the font to white, which of course hides all other labels too. Is there any other way to remove the label? ROSCO
  3. How to dissapear the zero plane label.

    I would like to know if the zero plane label can be switched off too - my issue is that I don't want to display Y-axis values at all, I have numDivLines=0, but there doesn't be any way to switch off the zero label. Thanks for any info ROSCO