I am having a similar issue when trying to Save multiseries charts. I get an "Internal FusionCharts Objects" error (ERROR: 10902092036) . I am using the same code that works for my single series charts but for multiseries it throws an error. Code is below.
Any help is appreciated
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="./FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<script language="JavaScript" src="./FusionCharts/FusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> //Define a function, which will be invoked when user clicks the batch-export-initiate button
function initiateExport(){
} </script>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="content-area">
<div id="content-area-inner-main">
<!-- We also create a DIV to contain the FusionCharts client-side exporter component -->
<div id="fcexpDiv" align="center"> </div>
<input type='button' onClick="javascript:initiateExport();" value="Save Charts to File" />
<script type="text/javascript">
//Render the export component in this
//Note: fcExporter1 is the DOM ID of the DIV and should be specified as value of exportHandler
//attribute of chart XML.
function showExport(){
var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "./FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf", {defaultExportFileName:"default_file_name", defaultExportFormat:'PNG'} );
myExportComponent.debugMode = true;
myExportComponent.sourceCharts = ['ChartIDT1','ChartIDT2','ChartIDT3','ChartIDT4'];
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.fullMode = '1';
//Set saving type to individual
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.saveMode = 'both';
//Show allowed export format drop-down
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.showAllowedTypes = '0';
//Width and height
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.width = '600';
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.height = '250';
//Message - caption of export component
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.showMessage = '1';
myExportComponent.componentAttributes.message = 'Export any chart from context menu and then use this to save';
//Set it to show allowed format types as well