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Everything posted by aurelio_arg

  1. I am unable of saving my chart as a PNG image. The chart is intended for offline use, and it is used with Windows Forms. I allowed Global Security Settings from Flash Player, and stil can't. I use Visual Studio 2008 (but this particular project was made with VS 2010) and FusionCharts Free (latest version available). I attached the entire project in a zip, and a screenshot of the example running, in which you can see that there's no "Convert to PNG Image" button available.
  2. Data Limits?

    I want to make a Holter with a 2D XY chart. The Holter takes measurements at 1ms, and i want to show a chart with an extended time (measurements of an hour) Can it have issues? Any limits? I use the Free Version, so does v3.2 handle this in a much better way?