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About kristian

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Ok now the problem is solved. Sorry if this was in the wrong category. I had flash7 installed.
  2. Number 4 helped. The graph is not loaded and rendered in IE6, but works in firefox2.0. So the problem is earlier in the process, in fact in the init of the graph. I noticed that the innerHTML returned from getSWFHTML() has a OBJECT-tag where the attribute-values are not surrounded with quotation-marks. Could this cause problems? I'm uncertain how the colon works for unquoted attribute-values in the classid attribute.
  3. This is how i call it chart.setDataURL(graphUrl); The chart-object is fetched with the getChartFromId-function, and the object is found properly. This works fine in FireFox 2.0, and internet Explorer 7.0, but in internet Explorer 6.0 i get "Object doesn't support this property or method". Is this a known bug? [edit] It's the second time calling that fails, the init-call works like a charm. I'm trying to load another graph with the setDataUrl-method.