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Everything posted by CodeMunkey

  1. I am using fusioncharts 3 with php. Setting the bgColor to #757575. The bgcolor will render with a hint of grey, but not as dark as should be. This same code works when switching to Pie3D.swf. In trying to find a solution, I tried to set the bgAlpha attribute but it seems to ignore that entirely (tried at both 0 and 100 values). Is there an updated version of this Doughnut2D.swf or some other solution? This is the design as was dictated to me so I do not have a lot of room for variance in the chart design. Also, on a side note, you guys should add some string escaping to the xml string passed into renderChart() function in PhP.
  2. Doughnut2D Ignoring Bg Attributes

    in that above code, the bgcolor for the legend will appear correctly. the bgcolor for the rest of the chart will not. like i said, using the bgalpha attribute did not yield any results either
  3. Doughnut2D Ignoring Bg Attributes

    <chart legendBgColor="757575" baseFontColor="FFFFFF" bgColor="757575" showvalues="1" showlegend="1" enablesmartlabels="1" showlabels="1"><set value="1" label="Failed"/></chart>
  4. Zoom Line And Areas

    what you linked to here does not have zoom capabilities. i am also looking for a zoom capable chart that can display both areas (bars) and lines. is there one available?