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Everything posted by dmaster

  1. Trendline Overlap

    Hello I have done as you suggested. Here is my code and I've also attached a screenshot. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <graph caption='' subcaption='' xAxisName='Month' yAxisMinValue='15000' yAxisName='Percentage Rate' yAxisMinValue="-8.0" yAxisMaxValue="8.0" yAxisName="Percentage Rate" numberSuffix='%25' showNames='1' showValues='0' lineColor="000000" rotateNames='0' showColumnShadow='1' animation='1' showAlternateHGridColor='0' AlternateHGridColor='ff5904' divLineColor='cccccc' divLineAlpha='100' alternateHGridAlpha='5' canvasBorderColor='666666' baseFontColor='666666' chartRightMargin="0"> <set name='Jul' value='3.7' hoverText='July'/> <set name='Aug' value='7.5' hoverText='August'/> <set name='Sep' value='' hoverText='September'/> <set name='Oct' value='' hoverText='October'/> <set name='Nov' value='' hoverText='November' /> <set name='Dec' value='' hoverText='December' /> <trendlines> <line startValue='1.3' color='d0b01a' displayvalue='Threshold 1.3%' valueOnRight='1' thickness='2' showOnTop='1'/> <line startValue='4.4' color='26c235' displayvalue='Target 4.4%' valueOnRight='1' thickness='2' showOnTop='1'/> <line startValue='6.0' color='6694d9' displayvalue='Excellence 6.0%' valueOnRight='1' thickness='2' showOnTop='1'/> </trendlines> </graph> <div id="metrics" align="center"> Chart goes here. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var chartCG = new FusionCharts("/flash/Charts/FCF_Line.swf", "ChartId", "360", "300"); chartCG.setDataURL("/employee_resources/human_resources/cvd/cvd.xml"); chartCG.render("metrics"); </script> Any other suggestions? Thank you for your help. I do love your product. dmaster
  2. Trendline Overlap

    Hi I'm having a problem getting the trendline display value to show on the right. I followed the code examples you gave, in fact I copied and pasted to make sure I got it right, but the trendline label is still displaying on the left. The browser is IE 8. Are there any known problems with IE 8? thx