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About sunco

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Problems With Special Chars

    Yep, it works as it should on 3.2. Thanks
  2. Problems With Special Chars

    Ok, i attach a working sample with my issue (is a php file) test.php
  3. I'm having problems displaying special chars, it just don't appear, the chars are accents, in this case áéíóú and ñÑ. With Html code is this á and javascript \u00e1 even action script %C3%B3 I already read and follow the instructions to create a BOM file described here but still no luck, maybe because i send the Xml directly I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 and create a new Php file using Utf-8 and marking the BOM stuff The code that i use is this. Is a Php and Javascript Also already try the utf8_encode, utf8_decode, html_special_chars, htmlentities. My conten-type is this <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> I'm using FusionCharts 3.0.4
  4. We have a license of FusionChart but the package does not comes with MSLine.swf How can obtain it ?