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About Carwise

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Ipad Support For Fusion Widgets

    Same here. I was very happy when I read that the ipad/iphone version was available, but then came to the conclusion that is was 'only' for the charts. Not the widgets. Any sight when we the widgets will become 'ipad proof' ? Regards, Martin
  2. Hlineargauge Click On Color

    Hi Radis, Thanks for the info. I will look into Pointers.. Martin
  3. Hi, Using a simple Hlineargauge with green, orange and red bar. I'm currently using the following xml: <chart showTickMarks="0" showTickValues="0" bgAlpha="0,0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="10" palette="1" chartRightMargin="20"><colorRange><color minValue="0" maxValue="6" code="8BBA00" label="6"/><color minValue="6" maxValue="8" code="F6BD0F" label="2"/><color minValue="8" maxValue="10" code="FF654F" label="2"/></colorRange></chart> I would like to make the different colors clickable. (so, all different colors to another url) Is there a way to achieve that ? Martin