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About Helio

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I'm trying to use the Beta php class for fusionwidgets on this post: http://forum.fusionc...-fusionwidgets/ This is the code: <script language='javascript' src='FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js'></script> <?php # Include FusionCharts PHP Class include("FusionCharts_Gen.php"); # Create MSLine chart Object $FW = new FusionCharts("Thermometer","80","300"); # set the relative path of the swf file $FW->setSWFPath("widgets/"); $strParam="palette=4;lowerLimit=0;upperLimit=10;numberSuffix=C"; $FW->setChartParams($strParam); $FW->addChartData(5); $FW->renderChart(); ?> It displays all ok but does not seem to assume the value I define in "$FW->addChartData(5);"
  2. Hi, I'm trying to use the Beta php class for fusionwidgets on this post: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/7250-is-there-a-php-class-for-fusionwidgets/ This is the code: <script language='javascript' src='FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js'></script> <?php # Include FusionCharts PHP Class include("FusionCharts_Gen.php"); # Create MSLine chart Object $FW = new FusionCharts("Thermometer","80","300"); # set the relative path of the swf file $FW->setSWFPath("widgets/"); $strParam="palette=4;lowerLimit=0;upperLimit=10;numberSuffix=C"; $FW->setChartParams($strParam); $FW->addChartData(5); $FW->renderChart(); ?> It displays all ok but does not seem to assume the value I define in "$FW->addChartData(5);"