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Everything posted by freebsd

  1. HI, How do I get the following result Thank you
  2. How Do I Get The Following Result

    <Chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' bulbRadius='25' numberSuffix='%25' decimalPrecision='0' showBorder='0' bgAlpha='100' bgcolor='EFF4F8' borderColor='EFF4F8' showValue='0' clickURL='n-' chartRightMargin='130'> add chartRightMargin='130'
  3. How Do I Get The Following Result

    HI Why can not Bulb left <div id="chart4" align="center"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/Bulb.swf", "chart4c", "180", "70", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataURL("Data/Manpower/AttritionRate.xml"); myChart.render("chart4"); </script> AttritionRate.xml