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Everything posted by hienduong
Dear, For the grid, I need to make the white bar transparent. The gray changes to darker gray (or whatever). Is that possible? I illustrate in the attachment. Please support me fast, it's very urgent!
Dear experts, Can we create a chart like the image attached? (This is a chart for Blood Pressure). If we can, please show me how to configure? I have subscribed for 1 year priority technical support Thanks,
Thanks for your response. So please tell me why in this code fusionchart can get rid of the canvas' right and top border? <chart showSum='0' numdivlines='0' numberSuffix='' numberPrefix='' useRoundEdges='0' bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF' legendPosition='RIGHT' showYAxisValues ='0' showBorder='0' showPlotBorder='0' plotFillRatio='100' plotSpacePercent='70' canvasBorderAlpha='0'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='Jun' /> <category label='Jul' /> <category label='Aug' /> <category label='Sep' /> <category label='Oct' /> <category label='Nov' /> <category label='Dec' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='2006'> <set value='27400' /> <set value='29800'/> <set value='25800' /> <set value='26800' /> <set value='29600' /> <set value='32600' /> <set value='31800' /> <set value='36700' /> <set value='29700' /> <set value='31900' /> <set value='34800' /> <set value='24800' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='2005'> <set value='10000'/> <set value='11500'/> <set value='12500'/> <set value='15000'/> <set value='11000' /> <set value='9800' /> <set value='11800' /> <set value='19700' /> <set value='21700' /> <set value='21900' /> <set value='22900' /> <set value='20800' /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style type="Shadow" name="Shadow_1" Angle="130" Color="000000" Alpha="100" blurX="0" blurY="0" Strength="2"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="CANVAS" styles="Shadow_1"/> </application> </styles> </chart> This is the code of another supporter, not mine (I use the purchased version)
Dear, I have some questions: 1. How can I set some attribute like: legendIconScale; showTooltip; showBorder; bgColor; showAboutMenuItem; aboutMenuItemLabel; showAboutMenuItem; aboutMenuItemLink. I look into the documents, however, I cannot find the guide for set chart attribute in java script. I tried some code (below), however it does not work <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart1 = new FusionCharts( "Charts/Line.swf","myChart1", "100%", '100%', "0", "1" ); myChart1.setXMLUrl("DataX.xml"); var chartReference = FusionCharts("myChart1"); chartReference.setChartAttribute("showTooltip",0); myChart1.render("chartContainer1"); </script> 2. How can I configure some attributes to satisfy the requirerment in the image attached below?
Great help! Thanks. I have some more questions as I illustrate in the image below: Here is my code: <html> <head> <title>My First chart using JavaScript/Flash</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#333333"> <div id="container1" style="width:500;height:250;"> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart1 = new FusionCharts( "charts/Line.swf","chartNo1", "100%", "100%", "0", "1" ); myChart1.setXMLData("<chart xAxisName='' yAxisName='' showValues='0' legendIconScale='2' showBorder = '0' canvasBorderThickness = '1' alternateHGridAlpha = '0' canvasbgAlpha = '0' outCnvBaseFontColor='#FFFFFF' lineColor='006600' bgColor = 'FFFFFF,FFFFFF' bgAlpha='0,0' ><set label='3/2010' value='7.0000' /><set label='6/2010' value='95.0000' /><set label='9/2010' value='73.0000' /><set label='12/2010' value='1.0000' /><set label='3/2011' value='21.0000' /><set label='6/2011' value='6.0000' /><set label='9/2011' value='18.0000' /><set label='12/2011' value='9.0000' /><styles><definition><style type='Shadow' name='Shadow_1' Angle='130' Color='#FFFFFF' Alpha='100' blurX='0' blurY='0' Strength='1'/></definition><application><apply toObject='CANVAS' styles='Shadow_1'/></application></styles></chart>"); myChart1.setTransparent(true); myChart1.render("container1"); </script> </div> </body> </html>
Thanks for great support! It works perfectly now
Dear Angshu, As the support department requires me to put the problem charts online, here it is: http://giadinhcanhcu...t/dashboard.php The last mail I sent to support deparment 3 days ago but I do not receive any feedback from now. Could you please look at my problem: why the charts can appear in IE9, Chrome and Safari, but cannot display in Firefox?
Dear Angshu, 1. I just follow your example you provide at http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?JavaScript/JS_ChangeChartProperties.html , however, it does not work. I upload my code (in hienduong_Line.rar) and could you please have a look at this? And if you can, please modify the code to make it work? 2. I also attach my test page (hienduong_asksupport.zip) For the dashboard.php page, as you can see in the attached images: - In IE9, charts appear as it should. - In Firefox: the charts do not display, I do not know why? - In Google Chorme. the charts small. 2a, Please explain my why do the charts behave differently in different browsers like that? 2b, Moreover, I do not have any ideas why the charts always appear the same even though I change the width and height of the div tag container? Which parts I do incorrect? Finally, I purchased the license month ago and subcription for 1 year. If this place for technical help, please help me to figure out what problems with page? hienduong_Line.zip hienduong_asksupport.zip
I already send the email and waiting for the response email. However, great support! Thanks,
It works but the file seems the evaluation edition (The read box in image file attachment) Could you please send me the license edition at my email. My Paypal payment email is the same with the forum email. Please support fast because I need urgently. Thanks in advance.