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About tmn4you

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I try to make a Multi-Series Charts from the following php script. The GraphData.php generat the xml output . When I call the GraphData.php file I get the xml output you can see. The problem is that I don
  2. Tool tip in multiple lines

    Some times you just have to read the documentation. I figured out what you mend with the dataURL metod, and then there is no problem. This is a very nice piece of software. :-) /kent
  3. Tool tip in multiple lines

    Hi i have also problem with multi-line tooltips i php. Please se the code snip, direct copy from the doc. <?php //We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts.php, which contains functions //to help us easily embed the charts. include("FusionCharts/FusionCharts.php"); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>FusionCharts - Simple Column 3D Chart using dataXML method</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <?php //Create an XML data document in a string variable $strXML = ""; $strXML .= "<chart caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'>"; $strXML .= "<set label='Jan' value='462' tooltext='John Miller<BR>Score: 420<BR>Rank:2'/>"; $strXML .= "<set label='Feb' value='857' tooltext='John Miller<BR>Score: 420<BR>Rank:2'/>"; $strXML .= "<set label='Mar' value='671' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Apr' value='494' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='May' value='761' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Jun' value='960' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Jul' value='629' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Aug' value='622' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Sep' value='376' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Oct' value='494' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Nov' value='761' />"; $strXML .= "<set label='Dec' value='960' />"; $strXML .= "<styles>"; $strXML .= "<definition>"; $strXML .= "<style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='1' />"; $strXML .= "</definition>"; $strXML .= "<application>"; $strXML .= "<apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myHTMLFont' />"; $strXML .= "</application>"; $strXML .= "</styles>"; $strXML .= "</chart>"; //Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data from strXML variable using dataXML method echo renderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "", $strXML, "myNext", 600, 300, true); ?> </BODY> </HTML> I get the following error: INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. ERROR: Invalid XML encountered. An attribute value is not properly terminated. Check the XML data that you've provided. If you've special characters in your XML (like %, &, ' or accented characters), please URL Encode them. It's working fine when i use html only... /kent