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Everything posted by Shib

  1. Hi, I am new to FC, I just downloaded latest trial version. While I am trying to follow an example to change chart attribute on the fly(, but it is not working for me. Here is my html code(Only thing I change here is location of js and data.xml): <html> <head> <title>Update Chart data</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"> </script> </head> <body> <center> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts( "FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "300", "240", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); function changeAttribute() { // get chart reference var chartReference = FusionCharts( "myChartId" ); // change palette, palette colors and set glass effect to chart chartReference.setChartAttribute( { "palette" : "2", paletteColors : "ACBF72", useRoundEdges : 1 } ); } // --> </script> <input type="button" onClick="changeAttribute();" value="Change Chart Theme" > </center> </body> </html> And Data.xml: <chart caption="Yearly Sales Summary" numberPrefix="$" xAxisName="Year" yAxisName="Amount"> <set label="2005" value="1735.08" /> <set label="2006" value="1335.08" /> <set label="2007" value="1582.08" /> <set label="2008" value="1555.08" /> </chart> It renders the chart on first load, but nothing happens after clicking the change button. Please let me know what I am doing wrong.
  2. What I also found if replace myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml") with myChart.setXMLData(MY XML) works. Is there something with free version? Please advice. thanks