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About sysflow

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  1. I am using the MultiAxisLine.swf and would like to know if it is possible to get it to show bars in combination with lines? If not, is there another chart type that I can use that has multiaxis functionality that will display bars and lines?
  2. I have two charts with both negative values, the first chart looks good ie, the plots are anchored from bottom to top). The bottom chart doesn't look good - it's plotted upside down. How can I correct this so that the bottom chart is plotted correctly like the first chart? I am using v3 Column2D.swf through a js call Top chart displays as desired: <chart caption='RSCP Hourly Distribution' yAxisMinValue='-100' yAxisMaxValue='-50' placeValuesInside='1' showBorder='0' xAxisName='Hours' yAxisName='dBm' showValue='0' > <set label='17 hr' value='-84' displayValue='-84dBm' /> <set label='18 hr' value='-89' displayValue='-89dBm' /> </chart> Bottom chart displays upside-down; <chart caption='ECIO Hourly Distribution' yAxisMinValue='-30' yAxisMaxValue='0' placeValuesInside='1' showBorder='1' xAxisName='Hours' yAxisName='db' showValue='0' > <set label='17 hr' value='-16' displayValue='-16dB' /> <set label='18 hr' value='-17' displayValue='-17dB' /> </chart> Any input would be appreciated.