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Everything posted by bnordeng

  1. I have a chart showing money so I would like to force it to two decimal places. I am able to force the data in the chart to two decimal places, but the numbers on the Y Axis are always removing the trailing zeros. So, $1.60 is showing as $1.6. And, $2.00 is showing as $2. How can I force the Y Axis to show two decimal places?
  2. Thanks for a great charting tool. It has worked well for us. Please allow formatting of the Y-Axis numbers in the same way that data values can be formatted. Specifically, I am referring to forcing the number of decimal places that are displayed. This is of particular issue when dealing with money. For example, $0 and $0.5 and $1 and $1.5 in the Y-Axis do not look as good as $0.00 and $0.50 and $1.00 and $1.50 for many charts. Thank you.
  3. Can I force decimals on the Y Axis?

    Okay. I've made the proper Y-Axis values show up by using trend lines instead. However, the trend lines will not appear until after the 3D Column chart is finished animating. Is there a way to make the trend lines appear immediately (before the animation)? I've tried adding an animation style to the TrendValues with a start of 0 and a duration of 0 but this does appear to force the TrendValues to show up prior to the animation.
  4. How can I set up my MSCombi3D.swf chart to show just the final value. I have just one dataset and it includes 100 points (making a nice 3D area chart). I want to show just the final number (for the year 2008). I've tried showValue='1' on the <set> but it won't show unless I set showValues='1' on the <dataset>. But then ALL of the values show and I only want to see the last one. Can this be done?
  5. I can turn off the animation, but it seems that no matter what I do the user can click the chart with their pointer and pull the chart in circles. Is there any way to turn this off?
  6. In the documentation, I found that it is allowRotation='0'. When I put that in the chart element it worked!
  7. I've tried both of these options and neither is working. Here is the XML... <chart defaultAnimation='0' animation='0' animate3D='0' caption='Cumulative' showBorder='0' showCanvasBg='0' showCanvasBase='0' bgColor='ffffff' bgAlpha='0' plotGradientColor='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='' numberPrefix='$' showLegend='0' showLabels='1' showCanvasBg ='0' showCanvasBase='0' decimals='0' canvasBorderColor='ffffff' showYAxisValues='0' divLineColor='ffffff' zDepth='100' cameraAngX='25' cameraAngY='25' XYWallDepth='0' XZWallDepth='0' YZWallDepth='0' showPlotBorder='0' enableRotation='0' baseFontSize='11'> <categories> <category label='1809' showName='1' /> <category label='1810' showName='0' /> <category label='1811' showName='0' /> <category label='1812' showName='0' /> <category label='1813' showName='0' /> <category label='1814' showName='0' /> <category label='1815' showName='0' /> <category label='1816' showName='0' /> <category label='1817' showName='0' /> <category label='1818' showName='0' /> <category label='1819' showName='0' /> <category label='1820' showName='0' /> <category label='1821' showName='0' /> <category label='1822' showName='0' /> <category label='1823' showName='0' /> <category label='1824' showName='0' /> <category label='1825' showName='0' /> <category label='1826' showName='0' /> <category label='1827' showName='0' /> <category label='1828' showName='0' /> <category label='1829' showName='0' /> <category label='1830' showName='0' /> <category label='1831' showName='0' /> <category label='1832' showName='0' /> <category label='1833' showName='0' /> <category label='1834' showName='0' /> <category label='1835' showName='0' /> <category label='1836' showName='0' /> <category label='1837' showName='0' /> <category label='1838' showName='0' /> <category label='1839' showName='0' /> <category label='1840' showName='0' /> <category label='1841' showName='0' /> <category label='1842' showName='0' /> <category label='1843' showName='0' /> <category label='1844' showName='0' /> <category label='1845' showName='0' /> <category label='1846' showName='0' /> <category label='1847' showName='0' /> <category label='1848' showName='0' /> <category label='1849' showName='0' /> <category label='1850' showName='0' /> <category label='1851' showName='0' /> <category label='1852' showName='0' /> <category label='1853' showName='0' /> <category label='1854' showName='0' /> <category label='1855' showName='0' /> <category label='1856' showName='0' /> <category label='1857' showName='0' /> <category label='1858' showName='0' /> <category label='1859' showName='0' /> <category label='1860' showName='0' /> <category label='1861' showName='0' /> <category label='1862' showName='0' /> <category label='1863' showName='0' /> <category label='1864' showName='0' /> <category label='1865' showName='0' /> <category label='1866' showName='0' /> <category label='1867' showName='0' /> <category label='1868' showName='0' /> <category label='1869' showName='0' /> <category label='1870' showName='0' /> <category label='1871' showName='0' /> <category label='1872' showName='0' /> <category label='1873' showName='0' /> <category label='1874' showName='0' /> <category label='1875' showName='0' /> <category label='1876' showName='0' /> <category label='1877' showName='0' /> <category label='1878' showName='0' /> <category label='1879' showName='0' /> <category label='1880' showName='0' /> <category label='1881' showName='0' /> <category label='1882' showName='0' /> <category label='1883' showName='0' /> <category label='1884' showName='0' /> <category label='1885' showName='0' /> <category label='1886' showName='0' /> <category label='1887' showName='0' /> <category label='1888' showName='0' /> <category label='1889' showName='0' /> <category label='1890' showName='0' /> <category label='1891' showName='0' /> <category label='1892' showName='0' /> <category label='1893' showName='0' /> <category label='1894' showName='0' /> <category label='1895' showName='0' /> <category label='1896' showName='0' /> <category label='1897' showName='0' /> <category label='1898' showName='0' /> <category label='1899' showName='0' /> <category label='1900' showName='0' /> <category label='1901' showName='0' /> <category label='1902' showName='0' /> <category label='1903' showName='0' /> <category label='1904' showName='0' /> <category label='1905' showName='0' /> <category label='1906' showName='0' /> <category label='1907' showName='0' /> <category label='1908' showName='1' /> </categories> <dataset SeriesName='Cumulative' color='006666' renderAs='Area' showValues='0'> <set value='1' /> <set value='2' /> <set value='3' /> <set value='4' /> <set value='5' /> <set value='6' /> <set value='7' /> <set value='8' /> <set value='9' /> <set value='10' /> <set value='11' /> <set value='12' /> <set value='13' /> <set value='14' /> <set value='15' /> <set value='16' /> <set value='17' /> <set value='18' /> <set value='20' /> <set value='22' /> <set value='24' /> <set value='26' /> <set value='28' /> <set value='30' /> <set value='33' /> <set value='36' /> <set value='39' /> <set value='42' /> <set value='45' /> <set value='48' /> <set value='52' /> <set value='56' /> <set value='60' /> <set value='65' /> <set value='70' /> <set value='75' /> <set value='80' /> <set value='86' /> <set value='92' /> <set value='98' /> <set value='104' /> <set value='110' /> <set value='116' /> <set value='122' /> <set value='128' /> <set value='138' /> <set value='148' /> <set value='158' /> <set value='168' /> <set value='178' /> <set value='188' /> <set value='198' /> <set value='208' /> <set value='218' /> <set value='228' /> <set value='238' /> <set value='248' /> <set value='268' /> <set value='288' /> <set value='308' /> <set value='328' /> <set value='348' /> <set value='368' /> <set value='388' /> <set value='410' /> <set value='440' /> <set value='470' /> <set value='510' /> <set value='560' /> <set value='660' /> <set value='760' /> <set value='860' /> <set value='960' /> <set value='1060' /> <set value='1180' /> <set value='1300' /> <set value='1450' /> <set value='1600' /> <set value='1750' /> <set value='1900' /> <set value='2100' /> <set value='2300' /> <set value='2500' /> <set value='2700' /> <set value='2900' /> <set value='3100' /> <set value='3300' /> <set value='3500' /> <set value='3700' /> <set value='3900' /> <set value='4100' /> <set value='4300' /> <set value='4500' /> <set value='4750' /> <set value='5000' /> <set value='5250' /> <set value='5500' /> <set value='5800' /> <set value='6150' /> <set value='6500' showValue='1' /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name="CaptionFontStyle" type="font" size="14" color='006666' bold="1" /> <style name="SubCaptionFontStyle" type="font" size="11" color='006666' isHTML='1' bold="1" /> <style name="valueText" type="font" size="11" color='333333' bold="1" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="Caption" styles="CaptionFontStyle"/> <apply toObject="Subcaption" styles="SubCaptionFontStyle"/> <apply toObject='DataValues' styles='valueText' /> </application> </styles> </chart>
  8. Here is my XML. The enableRotation='0' did not stop the ability to grab and spin the chart.
  9. Neither the mininum nor maximim y-axis values have horizontal lines associated with them on the Column3d.swf chart. How can I make those appear. For the minimum (typically zero), I can add the canvasBase and that is sufficient. However, for the maximum I cannot just add a line (unless it is a trend line which does not appear until after the animation is finished). How can I get this to show up? Or, can I put a border around the "canvas" like I can with the Column2D chart? I have searched these forums and have not found this problem reported yet.
  10. I have set up a Web page that loads three charts into three separate DIVs. Two of these are scatter charts and one is a pie chart. And, I have set up my javascript so that it will show the div with the chart specified and call setDataURL for a chart with certain querystring parameters that return the proper XML. The code appears to be valid as it is loading the charts, however I have the following problem: * When I click to update a chart, it gives me a "No data to display" message on the chart. The second time I click the same chart, it loads the chart just fine. This problem always happens in Firefox, but rarely in IE (though it does once in a while). I've also noticed that if I put an alert(''); before the setDataURL() call, then the chart will load on the first click. This makes me think it is a timing issue. Any idea on what I am doing wrong?
  11. I've tried using the escape function so that my setDataURL call now looks like this... chartObj.setDataURL(escape(sCurrChart + sQuerystring)); I am getting the same result. It appears that the proper information is being sent because I only get the "No Data to Display" message on my first click of the link. On the second click, the chart loads fine. This makes me think it is some kind of timing issue. And, I'm wondering if anyone has previously experienced a problem like this with FusionCharts. It's frustrating because it works in IE 99% of the time, but in Firefox it never works. And, of course, our site must be fully functional with both of these browsers.
  12. Here is the code... The charts are displayed on the page inside a DIV (outside the FORM tags): <div id="divMainChart" style="height:270px;"> <% Call renderChart("include/charts/Scatter.swf", "", "<chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='' lineThickness='1' drawAnchors='0' chartLeftMargin='0' chartRightMargin='0' chartTopMargin='5' chartBottomMargin='0' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='0' showLegend='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' clickURL=''></chart>", "chartDetail", 570, 275, false, true) Call renderChart("include/charts/Scatter.swf", "", "<chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='' lineThickness='1' drawAnchors='0' chartLeftMargin='0' chartRightMargin='0' chartTopMargin='5' chartBottomMargin='0' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='0' showLegend='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' clickURL=''></chart>", "chartSummary", 570, 235, false, true) Call renderChart("include/charts/Pie2D.swf", "", "<chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='' lineThickness='1' drawAnchors='0' chartLeftMargin='0' chartRightMargin='0' chartTopMargin='5' chartBottomMargin='0' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='0' showLegend='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' clickURL=''></chart>", "chartPie", 570, 275, false, true) %> </div> This is the loadChart javascript function that is called when a link is clicked to update the chart... var sCurrDiv; function loadChart(sChartName,bDetail) { var sChartDiv; sChartDiv = "chartPie"; displayDiv(sCurrDiv+'Div',0,0); displayDiv(sChartDiv+'Div',1,0); sCurrDiv = sChartDiv; var chartObj = getChartFromId(sChartDiv); //alert('Hi'); chartObj.setDataURL(sCurrChart + sQuerystring); } If I uncomment the alert('');, forcing a pause before the setDataURL is called then the chart loads fine after I click OK on the alert popup. However, without the alert I get a "No Data to Display." message where the chart should be (in Firefox). Usually, in IE it works, however it provides the same error in IE on occassion.
  13. Popup text for x-axis labels

    I have created XY scatter charts with connected lines (like 2D line charts) and they show variation on the y-axis over time (x-axis). I am using XY Scatter because the points are not continuous. The charts are made from user data and may include one or more lines. Users are also able to enter "messages" associated with certain dates. I'd like to display these messages in the x-axis. Ideally, I'd like to show a "M" or something like it (for Message) in the x-axis; when you hover over the "M", I'd like for it to show the message that the user has saved. Is there any way to do this? Currently, I am just plotting points below 0, but I'd really prefer to put them below the x-axis so I don't see negative numbers in the scale on the y-axis. Any thoughts are appreciated.
  14. My legend shows a square for all lines, but the chart shows a triangle or diamond. Can I make the legend reflect the chart anchors?