Thanks for the welcome. I don't have a live example or screenshot but here is what I am doing:
1. Calling new FusionCharts with the DragNode swf, the container id, 100% width, 800px height, 0, 12. Calling setJSON with data that looks like the following:
{chart: { palette: "2", xaxisminvalue: "0", xaxismaxvalue: "800", yaxisminvalue: "0", yaxismaxvalue: "600", viewmode: "0", is3D: "1", showFormBtn: "1", enableLinks: "1", animation: "1", dataset: [{ allowDrag: "1", data: [ { width: 50, height: 50, radius: 25, x: 10, y: 10, id: "node1", name: "First Node", link: "JavaScript: alert('clicked');" }, { width: 50, height: 50, radius: 25, x: 20, y: 20, id: "node2", name: "Second Node", link: "JavaScript: alert('clicked');" }, . . . ] }], connectors: [{ connector: [ { from: "node1", to: "node2" } ] }]}}
3. The chart renders correctly.4. I then right click on the graph, and enable drag.5. I move the nodes around.6. After I moved the nodes, I called getXMLData on the JavaScript chart object.
The XML that is returned has the original x and y for each node.
The thing that is confusing me is that I have seen the call work in the demos examples. I am running version 3.2.1 and see that 3.2.2 is out. Is this something that was fixed or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks again.