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About assaf_wr2000

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    Forum Newbie
  1. default x and y values after submit in Drag-Node chart

    After the user right clicked and chose "Add a Node", the position of the new node (in the Request["strXml"] string) is (0,100) and not where the user add the node.
  2. Hi all. After submit, I found that the new nodes are getting default x and y values (0,100 in my case) instead of where the user initialized the node. For example, after the user created new node named: '111' in the middle of the drag-node chart, I took the new xml with C# function: Request["strXML"], and I found the new relevant set, where the X and Y set to 0 and 100: <set id='111' x='0' y='100' name='111' height='30' width='30' shape='RECTANGLE' color='AFD8F8' /> Any suggestions? Assaf