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About adam2003w

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    Forum Newbie
  1. set y axis values numbers

    set y axis values numbers How do you set the y axis values to be like "0,100,200,300..." and so on? I saw somewhere to do it, but I can't remember where.
  2. Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors

    I found further ways to change the canvas color like 'canvasBgColor' and other Chart Cosmetics attributes.
  3. Value Text Color

    Value Text Color How do you change the value text colors? I'm using a 3d Stacked chart.
  4. Rotate Y-axis labels on Stacked Bar 3D Chart

    I'm reading and it doesn't seem like it is available to rotate Y axis labels. If it is possible, please post the solution.
  5. Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors

    nevermind, i see you can change the palette from 1 to 5. It's a limited control over the colors, but it should do. Thanks.
  6. Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors

    Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors I can change the column/bar/section colors for stacked bar/column charts, however ... How do you change the other colors in the chart?
  7. Rotate Y-axis labels on Stacked Bar 3D Chart Is there a way to rotate Y-axis labels on Stacked Bar 3D Chart? I know you can do it for X axis.