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Everything posted by adam2003w

  1. Value Text Color

    Value Text Color How do you change the value text colors? I'm using a 3d Stacked chart.
  2. set y axis values numbers

    set y axis values numbers How do you set the y axis values to be like "0,100,200,300..." and so on? I saw somewhere to do it, but I can't remember where.
  3. Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors

    I found further ways to change the canvas color like 'canvasBgColor' and other Chart Cosmetics attributes.
  4. Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors

    Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors I can change the column/bar/section colors for stacked bar/column charts, however ... How do you change the other colors in the chart?
  5. Rotate Y-axis labels on Stacked Bar 3D Chart Is there a way to rotate Y-axis labels on Stacked Bar 3D Chart? I know you can do it for X axis.
  6. Rotate Y-axis labels on Stacked Bar 3D Chart

    I'm reading and it doesn't seem like it is available to rotate Y axis labels. If it is possible, please post the solution.
  7. Stacked Bar 3D Chart colors

    nevermind, i see you can change the palette from 1 to 5. It's a limited control over the colors, but it should do. Thanks.