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About Gatsu

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  1. Hi, i've got problems making the self updating charts work. I'm using visual studio 2005. I created an Application variable to store the number of users logged to the site (updated on session start and end). The xml creation runtime is (i just copied part of the example, trying to figure out how it works) System.Text.StringBuilder xmlData = new System.Text.StringBuilder(2000); xmlData.Append(" xmlData.Append(" canvasBgColor='000000' yAxisMaxValue='100' hovercapbg='FFECAA' hovercapborder='F47E00'"); xmlData.Append(" formatNumberScale='1' decimalPrecision='2' divLineDecimalPrecision='0' limitsDecimalPrecision='0'" ); xmlData.Append(" numdivlines='9' numVDivLines='30' numDisplaySets='30' divLineColor='008040' vDivLineColor='008040'"); xmlData.Append(" chartLeftMargin='10' baseFontColor='00dd00' showRealTimeValue='0' dataStreamURL='UserCounter.aspx'"); xmlData.Append(" refreshInterval='2' rotateNames='1' hoverCapBgColor='000000' hoverCapBorderColor='008040'"); xmlData.Append(" baseFontSize='11'>"); xmlData.Append(" "); return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("../FusionCharts/FI2_RT_Line.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), "myNext", "550", "300", true); The page used for returning the value simply does: <%Response.Write("&value="+((int)Application["userCount"]+30));%> (the 30 is just because i am in a test environment, so i tried to see if there were some changes ). The result is that i got the chart appearing on the aspx page (no debug window), there's on the x axis the current time label moving left (no values printed) but it's fixed at 0. No changes on the values at all, and using the debug didn't show the debug window. Can someone please point out where i am wrong? Thanks