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About Jayaprakash

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, i am using the following xml to display the Bar chart.But i am facing some issue like some values not displayed properly. Please look on the below XML and give me some valuable solutiion... <chart outCnvBaseFont="GE Inspira,Arial" outCnvBaseFontSize="12" showValues="0" plotGradientColor="" palette="1" formatNumberScale="0" sFormatNumberScale="1" sNumberScaleValue="1000" sNumberScaleUnit=" " caption="Work Order Component (OTHER)" PYAxisName="No. Of WOs" SYAxisName="Cost in thousands" showBorder="0" bgColor="FFFFFF" xAxisName="" labelDisplay="Rotate" slantLabels="1" rotateValues="1" snumberPrefix="$"><categories><category label="OTHER_CP"/><category label="INSTR"/><category label="AIROPACT"/><category label="BEARING"/><category label="MTROPACT"/></categories><dataset seriesName="No. Of WOs" color="1E4191" parentYAxis="P" renderAs="Column"><set value="1443"/><set value="14"/><set value="4"/><set value="3"/><set value="3"/></dataset><dataset seriesName="Cost in thousands" color="EE3324" parentYAxis="S" renderAs="Column"><set value="3519414"/><set value="11693"/><set value="2898"/><set value="744"/><set value="1893"/></dataset><styles><definition><style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='GE Inspira,Arial' size='14' color='7b7c7b' bold='1'/><style name='myAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='GE Inspira,Arial' size='12' color='7b7c7b' bold='1'/></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='myCaptionFont' /><apply toObject='SubCaption' styles='myCaptionFont' /><apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' /><apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' /><apply toObject='Legend' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' /></application></styles></chart> Other than the 2898 value we are able to get all other values in the 2D bar chart. If we replace that value with 3000, 500 and 1500 we are able to see the value. But its not coming for 2898. Can you help us with this.Thanks, Jayaprakash S
  2. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi Angshu, Did u checked those xml with your end[Create sample app and check it in your iPad]. Awaiting for ur response. Regards, Jayaprakash S
  3. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    hi, We are using the following XML code for our presto application. Can you please Add this source with your sample app and check it in your iPad [if possible]. var newXml = "<chart caption='Top 5 Employees for 1996' palette='2' animation='1' subCaption='(Click to slice out or right click to choose rotation mode)' YAxisName='Sales Achieved' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0' showPercentInToolTip='0' showLabels='0' showLegend='1'><set label='Leverling' value='100524' isSliced='0' /><set label='Fuller' value='87790' isSliced='0' /><set label='Davolio' value='81898' isSliced='0' /><set label='Peacock' value='76438' isSliced='0' /><set label='King' value='57430' isSliced='0' /><styles><definition><style type='font' name='CaptionFont' color='666666' size='15' /><style type='font' name='SubCaptionFont' bold='0' /></definition><application><apply toObject='caption' styles='CaptionFont' /><apply toObject='SubCaption' styles='SubCaptionFont' /></application></styles></chart>"; var myChart = new FusionCharts("/prestohub/third-party/FusionCharts/Charts/Pie3D.swf", "idGraph_demo", "100%", "100%", "0", "0"); Regards, Jayaprakash S
  4. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. Still I couldn't able to found the solution.Actually i tried the following ways[What you mentioned in the above thred]. 1) Copied all SWF[Latest version XT 3.22] files in to the project. 2) Coped FusionCharts.js,FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js in to the project. 3) Clear the browser cache. For every time it always showing as "failed to load app- There was an error while loading 'jquery.event.drag-2.0.js' in ''jquery.event.drag-drop' library-20 seconds time out". But with respective the Desktop browser its working fine.The only problem is while running this application in iPad browser. i struct here for long time.Please help me to come out this issue. Regards Jayaprakash S
  5. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi Sorry for the late response. Due to some other important task i couldn't able to concentrate on this. Actually we are using the latest version as 3. Version No : 3 Also the Build number is 1750. Using the following Fusion Chart properties we are getting Fusion Chart Version and Build number. var FCJSMajorVersion = FusionCharts.version[0] ; // returns the major version number i.e., 3 var FCJSbuild = FusionCharts.version[4] ; // returns the build numberWaiting for your valuable response. Regards, Jayaprakash S
  6. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi, Thanks for your valuable reply. Now i can able to run the application [does not showing any error].But still legend not displayed in iPad. Can you please check it with your end using iPad[same xml what we given earlier] and give us the valuable feedback. Even in the Desktop browser can able to view the Legends with Chart.The only problem is when it run in iPad browser its not showing the Legends. Regards, Jayaprakash S
  7. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    <chart showLegend='1' caption='Company Revenue' showPercentValues='1'><set label='Services' value='10' /><set label='Hardware' value='32' /><set label='Software' value='42' /></chart> This is the xml we are using. We are able to get the legend in the desktop browser. But when it comes to iPad we are not able to see the legend. When we added the 3 js files given by you [ FusionCharts.js, highcharts.js and jquery.min.js ] in this thread before we are getting the following error. Failed to load app - failed to initialize jsclass - Sample.Hello, Result of expression "this.chart.options.chart.FCconf" [undefined] is not an object. The app is running properly without these js files. Can you please help us in solving this issue. Regards, Jayaprakash
  8. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi, i am new for Fusion Charts and Fusion Chart forums. i am struggling with for displaying Legends of Pie Chart in iPad browser. In my application i have to use Presto Component.In that i have to show PieChart with proper Legends.Everything works fine with respective desktop browser[iE/Safari/FireFox].But while coming to the iPad browser, 1)Charts displayed properly. 2)But Legends not displayed properly. As your suggestion i added those three files[earlier u mentioned] and called those files in my project.But still i am facing same issue[Legends not displayed].i tried many ways,but still i couldn't able to resolve that issue. If u have any idea,Please let me know. Thanks in Advance, Jayaprakash S